Life, the Universe, and Everything ... plus a few less trivial matters, like God, soccer and music that means something.
first let me apologize for not apologizing
Published on March 25, 2004 By 21cw In Welcome

My first ever blog and I'm already talking nonsense. Not a bad start, wouldn't you say?

I'm taking the time now to make a few things clear about who I am and what this blog will most likely be. I am a Christian, and I unapologetically claim Christ as my savior. If that's a problem for you, feel free to leave now before you waste any more time.

I believe that God and his glory should permeate every part of a believers life. If you are still reading, but think maybe you should have left before when I said to, take a chance and read what that sentence means. It might just surprise you.

First, let me define a believer. A believer is not just someone who "believes" in Jesus Christ. There is an old cliche in church circles that says, "Even the devil believes, and trembles at the fact." To be a believer is to believe ON Jesus, to trust him that he did in fact sacrifice himself for you, and that He has because of that been punished in your place for all the sins you have committed or ever will commit. Second, what do I mean by every part of ... life". I mean all of it. Sleeping, driving, drinking a pint, playing soccer, using a fax machine, going to church on sunday, skipping church to go see a ball game ... all of this should be done remembering we stand under the umbrella of God's glory: an umbrella when removed would at best result in anarchy. More accurately, I believe we simply would cease to be. We don't always do good - at least I don't. But we always reflect, increase, or fight with the glory of God. Third is the matter of "God and his glory". God is sovereign. nothing you do or I do can or ever will surprise Him. He knew I was goin to type this, and He knows, and knew before hand, exactly how you would react to it.

Lastly, let me explain that none of this suggests that anyone, me especailly is going to live their life with a halo wandering about over their head. If God is truly in ALL we do, we don't have to "get holy" or "do holy stuff" to be Christian. Praying is great. Reading the Bible is awesome. but God also wants us to glorify Him when we eat, sleep ... you get the idea. I won't go into another silly long list again.

So sometimes God won't even be mentioned. Maybe often, I don't know. But I do all to honour him ... even fail. The fact I fail and he loves me anyway just offers a glimpse of how great He really is. I'll talk about books, web development, soccer, music (making it and listening to it), my friends (just pretend like you believe I have some) and - yeah - God stuff, too. At this time I have no idea how often I will post. so far, I can say for sure, at least once.

For now, think about that definition of believe. Do you? Did you think you did, but now you aren't so sure? Or is there anyoine out there even reading this?

I know I am. I suppose that will have to do for now.

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